Point and Shoot 200 Film Recipe

Buddha Jayanti Park Delhi in Point and Shoot 200 Film Recipe

While looking for an everyday film recipe for my Fujifilm X S-20, I came across this Point and Shoot 200 Film Recipe which intrigued me. Since then I have been trying to check this film recipe in different settings. The blazing sun of May end in Delhi provides ample opportunity to test colours under harsh conditions.

Here is the link to this amazing recipe on this website.

Settings and equipment

Fujifilm X S-20 paired with the Tamron 18-300mm lens. This combo by far is the best one for an all purpose street photographer settings. All pictures were clicked in Aperture priority mode (either f 4 or f 8). Single point auto focus is used in most photos with zone area size.

Photo Gallery

Let us begin with a few side by side comparisons with the formidable Fujifilm Auto settings.

Notice how even in direct sunlight, the auto settings on the left have great colors. A GoPro on the other hand, even in vibrant color settings have a subdued look.

GoPro also has a sharpness settings which is good for city pictures but recommended not to be used for landscape.

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