Chandrasekhar Azad Park
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Kodachrome Daily with a 64 look – best Fujifilm recipe for bright sunny sky (Location – Chandrashekhar Azad Park)

Kodachrome Daily Fujifilm recipe just amazes me with capabilities of faithfully reproducing colors with remarkable accuracy despite the blazing hot sun. To test this film simulation I headed out in the middle of afternoon under a cloudless sky. Location is the Chandra Shekhar Azad Park in Prayagraj with its perfect park like settings with an ancient monument. Let us begin with the sample images.

Samples images Kodachrome Daily Fujifilm Recipe

Chandrashekhar Azad Park is a massive stretch of greenery in the middle of the city. It has various entry points. This shed is located in front of Gate No 6 on Panna Lal Road. This gate is the closest to reach the Victoria Memorial and Musical Fountain.

During the month of April, this park offers ample opportunity to capture the greens of the leaves as well as the browns of the fallen leaves on the ground. Notice the soft look despite the harsh sun and the subtle shadows.

Sun creates dark shadows and high contrast scenes. All pictures here have been shot in f 8.0 to achieve sharpness at the cost of everything else. Otherwise if shooting in the hot sun, use the sunny 16 rule. Aperture at f 16 and get the ISO as low as possible. If ISO is set at 100 then set the shutter speed at 1/100.

Kodachrome Daily Fujifilm Recipe takes care that colors do not come oversaturated. That is because at the heart of this film recipe is the Classic Chrome film simulation. But do take care of the shadow areas so that you do not have too much darkness within your picture.

This public park was opened in 1870 and is the biggest park in Prayagraj. This park is really huge. It is well kept and literally the lungs of the city. But this park has a dark history. Before 1870 this place was home to a few tiny hamlets. These villages were suspected to house the revolutionaries of the First War of Independence of 1857. As a reprisal, the East India Company soldiers flattened and destroyed the villages.

This park was named Alfred Park to mark the visit of Prince Alfred. Local people call this park as company park. The East India Company did make a facade of providing public utilities like park to win the hearts and minds of people of India whom they were ruling.

In 1903 a statue of Queen Victoria was installed which was later removed post Independence. Local people still call this place Company Bagh. I would request people of Prayagraj not to honor this place with the memory of East India Company whose rule was one of the most brutal in the history of European colonies.

A faithful reproduction of sunny days.

A perfect example of how harsh sunlight like darken the shadows to such an extend that it is impossible to see what contains in the dark areas.

Chandrashekhar Azad Park is now more than 150 years old. The layout and trees of this park are quite old. How can you capture such a large area without a wide angle lens? But when it comes to street photography, you need to have some zoom range. I am using the FujiFilm X S-20 which is the best midrange camera for street photography paired with the Tamron 18-300mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD. At 18mm this lens provides a great field of view.

Kodachrome Daily settings

Simulation : Classic Chrome
Grain Effect : OFF
Color Chrome Effect : Weak
Color Chrome Blue : Weak
White Balance : Auto
WB Shift : +2 Red, -3 Blue
Dynamic Range : DR200
Highlights : -1
Shadows : 0
Color : -1
Sharpness : +1
ISO NR : -4
Clarity : +1
EV Comp : +1/3

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